Texas SNAP Payment Schedule: When is the next Texas SNAP payment schedule?

The Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) number of the beneficiary for each family determines how the benefits are distributed.
Texas SNAP Payment Schedule

Texas SNAP Payment Schedule: The nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps 3.4 million Texans every month, and many of them are eager to find out when their money will be ready. Here is where people who are getting paid this week can find out about it.

When it comes to the application process, Texas usually takes 30 days to approve SNAP benefits.

With SNAP benefits, you can buy certain types of food, like fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, and dairy goods. But they can’t be used for things that aren’t food, like cigarettes, fuel, or booze.

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In Texas, SNAP payments are given out at different times each month, from the first to the 28th.

The Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) number of the beneficiary for each family determines how the benefits are distributed. This makes sure that the benefits are given out in an organized and efficient way.

The last two numbers of the EDG number will tell you when the payment is due. This week, people whose numbers are 58 to 81 will receive their money based on the table below:

  • 58-60: June 17

  • 61-64: June 18

  • 65-67: June 19

  • 68-71: June 20

  • 72-74: June 21

  • 75-78: June 22

  • 79-81: June 23

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