Social Security schemes

Social Security schemes referred to as those schemes in which g,overnment tries to provide financial assistance or some other kind of assistance to those people who don't have an income source or unemployed and those who don't have adequate income…

Social Security schemes referred to as those schemes in which g,overnment tries to provide financial assistance or some other kind of assistance to those people who don’t have an income source or unemployed and those who don’t have adequate income to keep their body and soul together and also fulfill their basic needs.   It can be provided through various schemes and programmes. 

The aim behind providing social Security to people is to give protection and support to either individuals or families against the vulnerabilities and different kinds of social insecurities. Also it gives a safe environment to citizens, who are unable to support themselves such as old, disabled,  widow and so on.

Need of social Security schemes 

Developing countries like India or other underdeveloped countries, where there is low per capita income , always have different kinds of social security schemes. 

Also there are some other reasons due to which we need social Security schemes  which include  rising unemployment , population  explosion, rising poverty,  danger and risk at the workplace,  presence of diversity, rising inequality, rise in migration, disease and so on and so forth . 

With all these reasons we can also include a current reason  Or ground for need of social Security schemes that is corona virus  Or  covid-19 pandemic. During covid-19 every country has at most need of this kind of scheme, because  more than 80% of the population were sitting at home or not working . Consequently they have no money to fulfill their needs.

Moreover,  It ensure an adequate standard of living and adequate access to healthcare.

Additionally,  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) recognises the right to social security for all. It means it’s important for all countries to provide social Security to all its vulnerable citizens

Indian Constitution and social Security 

The Preamble of Indian Constitution  mandates the government of  India to ensure social justice, which can be done through social Security schemes. 

Also Article – 21 ,i.e  right to life of Indian Constitution, also a fundamental right   says that life includes all aspects like – food, housing, medicine , education and clothes. Thus, advocates social security for Indians. 

Article-38 of Indian Constitution states that   , The state to secure a social order for the promotion of the welfare of the people.

And article 38(2) – states that ,  The state should minimize the irregularities in income, and  to eliminate inequalities in status, facilities and opportunities among individuals as well as groups of people.

Types of social security schemes

However there is no specific or standard division for the social Security schemes in India. But  for the convenience or to easily understand these schemes for specific group or individual ,  we can divide them into 6 categories which are following – 

For women, for aged, for Organized workers, for unorganized workers, for food security and for health.

For Women-

1) Maternity Benefit Act,1961

2) Janani Suraksha Yojana 

3) Swadhar Greh scheme

For Aged-

1) Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme. 

2) Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Scheme

3) Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana

4) Senior Citizen’s Welfare Fund

5) Integrated Program for Older Persons

6)  National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) -Old age Protection.

**  For organized workers ::  

1) Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) ,1952

2) Employees State Insurance Scheme (ESI).

For unorganized workers ::  

1) Atal  Pension Yojana, 2015

2) Unorganised Workers Social Security Act 2008

3)Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana

4) Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana 

5) The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970

6) National Pension Scheme for Traders and The Self-employed Persons (NPS). 

For Food-

1) Public Distribution System, 

2) Revamped Public Distribution System, 

3) Targeted Public Distribution System, 

4) Antyodaya Anna Yojana, 

5) Annapurna Scheme, 

6) National Food Security Act, 2013.

For Health-

1) Health Insurance Scheme for Weavers (HIS)

2) Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY). 

Some other important social Security schemes are – 

1) Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana – Gramin (PMAY-G)

2) Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)

3) Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Yojana (PMJJBY)

4) Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers

5) National Safai Karamcharis Finance and Development Corporation (NSKFDC)

6) Pradhan Mantri Kisan Mandhan Yojana.

#  Challenges to social security in India

1) Lack of programme implementation ::   There are so many best Or effective social security programs which were introduced by the government of India for the betterment of vulnerable sections of society ,  but they are not very good in their implementation. 

2) Corruption ::   It is the another call cause which led failure of social security schemes in India because there are many intermediaries between the government and citizen ,  who does malpractices like  black the product or money which provided by  government for betterment of people. 

3) Lack of awareness ::   Most of the time people remain unaware about the  government programs. Due to which  those people take advance of these schemes  who don’t have need or not eligible for the benefit of the schemes

Way ahead 

A variety of laws and regulations are in place to deal with social security in India but they reach a very small section of society.

Need is only  to ensure proper implementation of programmes, the establishment of delivery infrastructure, spreading of awareness and prevention of corruption. So that actual people ,who have need, can take  advantage of the schemes.

Social Security schemes are those schemes in which the government tries to provide financial assistance or some other kind of assistance to those people who don’t have an income source or unemployed and those who don’t have adequate income to keep their body and soul together and also fulfill their basic needs.   It can be provided through various schemes and programmes. 

The aim behind providing social Security to people is to give protection and support to either individuals or families against the vulnerabilities and different kinds of social insecurities. Also it gives a safe environment to citizens, who are unable to support themselves such as old, disabled,  widow and so on.

Need of Social Security Schemes 

Developing countries like India or other underdeveloped countries, where there is low per capita income , always have different kinds of social security schemes. 

Also there are some other reasons due to which we need social Security schemes  which include  rising unemployment , population  explosion, rising poverty,  danger and risk at the workplace,  presence of diversity, rising inequality, rise in migration, disease and so on and so forth . 

With all these reasons we can also include a current reason  Or ground for need of social Security schemes that is corona virus  Or  covid-19 pandemic. During covid-19 every country has at most need of this kind of scheme, because  more than 80% of the population were sitting at home or not working . Consequently they have no money to fulfill their needs.

Moreover,  It ensure an adequate standard of living and adequate access to healthcare.

Additionally,  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) recognises the right to social security for all. It means it’s important for all countries to provide social Securities to all it’s vulnerable citizens.

Indian Constitution and social Security 

Preamble of Indian Constitution  mandate government of  india  that to ensure social justice, which can be done through social Security schemes. 

Also Article – 21 ,i.e  right to life of Indian Constitution, also a fundamental right   says that life includes all aspects like – food, housing, medicine , education and clothes. Thus, advocates social security for Indians. 

Article-38 of Indian Constitution state that   , The state to secure a social order for the promotion of the welfare of the people.

And article 38(2) – states that ,  The state to minimize the irregularities in income, and  to eliminate inequalities in status, facilities and opportunities among individual as well as group of people.


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