Shirley Toulson Biography: Birthday, Wiki, Career, Education, Parents, Siblings, Wife, Children, Death, Books

Shirley Toulson remarkable work as an Author and poet is what she is known for her beautifully woven verses in a poem and remarkable storytelling got her fame.
shirley toulson
shirley toulson

Shirley Toulson biography: Shirley Toulson is an English writer, poet, journalist, and local politician.

Her remarkable work as an Author and poet is what she is known for her beautifully woven verses in a poem and remarkable storytelling got her fame.

Her work deals with the complexity of human emotions like love, loss, and the human condition. She also had a noticeable teaching career as she believed that the power of education shapes the young mind.

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Shirley Toulson Biography

Name Kathleen Shirley Toulson
Nickname NA
Date of Birth  20 May 1924
Death 23 September 2018
Religion Christian
Birth Place
Leeds, England
Hometown Leeds, England
Education Brockenhurst College in London
Nationality English
Profession  writer, poet, journalist, and local politician
Parents Father: Douglas Dixon
Mother: Marjorie
Siblings Sister: NA
Brother: NA

Shirley Toulson Wiki

Shirley Toulson was born in  Leeds, England. Her father Douglas Dixon, was a renowned Painter, and her mother Marjorie was a gifted Pianist.

She was academically gifted and was recognized by her teachers through her unexceptional talent for expressing herself through words. Surrounded by highly intellectual and intelligent had an influence on her work.

Aside from writing and teaching, she made an enormous contribution to literary criticism, her essays and analysis helped to create a new perspective on literature.

Shirley Toulson Career

Her career started in 1950 when she published her first book a poem collection “Whispers of the Heart”.  The set of poems had a theme of complex emotion and introspective that connected with both the reader and critics. Throughout her career, she has produced extraordinary works throughout her career as ‘Silent Echoes’.

She also had a noticeable teaching career as she believed that the power of education shapes the young mind. She taught in many Universities including Oxford Universities. She often encourages her students to push past their limits and explore their potential.

Aside from writing and teaching, she made an enormous contribution to literary criticism, her essays and analysis helped to create a new perspective on literature.

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Shirley Toulson’s Birth date and Birthplace

Shirley Toulson was born on 20 May 1924 and she was born in Leeds, England.

Shirley Toulson’s Education

Shirley Toulson attended Prior’s Field School and worked with the Auxiliary Territorial Service during World War II  English at Birkbeck, University of London, and worked at Foyles bookshop before becoming a journalist. In 1960 she married poet Alan Brownjohn.

Shirley Toulson’s Relationship and Husband

During her Army service, she met Norman Toulson, an army lieutenant, in 1944: they divorced in 1951.  In 1960 she married the poet Alan Brownjohn They had three children – Janet Sayers, Ian Toulson, and Steven Brownjohn and they divorced in1969.

Shirley Toulson’s Death

Shirley Toulson died in 2018, September 23,  at Stowlangtoft, Britain

Shirley Toulson’s Famous Books

  • Shadows in an Orchard (poems), Scorpion Press, 1960.
  • Circumcision’s Not Such a Bad Thing After All and Other Poems, Keepsake Press, 1970.
  • All Right, Auden, I Know You’re There: A Quick Thought (poems), Offcut Press, 1970.
  • For a Double Time (poems), Sceptre Press, 1970.
  • The Fault, Dear Brutus: A Zodiac of Sonnets, Keepsake Press, 1972.
  • Education in Britain, M. Evans, 1974.
  • Farm Museums and Farm Parks, Shire Publications, 1977

Shirley Toulson’s Magazine She Worked For

  • The Remind-Me Hat and Other Stories (juvenile), M. Evans, 1973.
  • Dickens, S. Low, 1977.
  • Kipling, S. Low, 1977.
  • Milton, S. Low, 1977.
  • Shakespeare, S. Low, 1977.

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