National Radio Day: Date, History and Significance

United states celebrates 20 August as National Radio Day with the acknowledgment of radio's powerful impact on news, drama, music, and sports. It isn't clear who started this day as a celebration for radio.

National Radio Day: Radio is arguably as important as the invention of printing press machines. At one point in human history, it was the peak of human inventions. You can imagine how impressive it is that we can communicate our voice from miles away to hundreds of people by transmitting and receiving electromagnetic waves.  To celebrate one of the greatest inventions made by humans one of the greatest inventions

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National Radio Day History

Guglielmo Marconi from Italy was given the credit for inventing the Radio after the first commercial broadcast in the 1890s but Nicola Tesla was the one to demonstrate the first Radio in 1893. Rdio wasn’t a solo invention it was more like a group project many scientists throughout history worked on it by contributing to electromagnetic induction, electric conduction, and radio waves. This group project is very similar to your school group project where Tesla was the nerdy kid who did most of the work and took all the credit, I can’t explain how much I relate to Tesla.

It took a long time to use the radio as a form of communication. Radio broadcasting has its inventor Lee de Forest. De Forest’s Radio Telephone Company manufactured the first commercial radios from Miles away. Radio changed the face of the entertainment industry. The first radio news program was broadcast on August 31, 1920,

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National Radio Day Significance

The United States celebrates 20 August as National Radio Day with the acknowledgment of radio’s powerful impact on news, drama, music, and sports. It isn’t clear who started this day as a celebration for radio.

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